Tom Campbell | Primal Man Primal Woman: Getting to the Core of Relationships, December 16, 2012


Tom's upcoming book, Primal Man Primal Woman (sure to be a best seller) is the subject of this interview about men and women at their most fundamental core.

Using his unique understanding and experience to see behind the curtain of cultural belief, Tom gets to the core (there's that apple again) of how we interact with the opposite gender, and answers what steps can be taken for an optimal loving relationship that is in accordance with his theory.

Tom Campbell's My Big TOE must by definition (a big theory of everything) have an answer for how relationships can work optimally by shifting from need-based to love-based.

Women generally like Tom's advice for the men, but they will also have some serious growing to do as well.

Evita Ochel of Evolving Beings has said the concept Tom proposes is "revolutionary".

It is, and yet it is simple. He has observed and researched and tested it out, and have others, and "it works".
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