Tom Campbell | "Afterlife" Within The Context Of A Big TOE...And More


September 28, 2012–In this interview, Tom expands on questions that have received much attention in some of his previous interviews, and those are "What happens after we die?", and How can one "know" these things? And, from "Who are we in this reality?, what are the real consequences (in detail) of our good and not so good choices?

His theory from his book My Big TOE rests on the conclusion that we are living in a virtual reality simulation, and that all of reality is information at the core.

With this in mind, he answers the questions of afterlife and how we can know about the process involved in transitioning from "here" to "there". He normalizes the "paranormal".

His theory logically bridges Quantum Mechanics and Relativity, thus explaining the much sought after question of what is "other" that Edward Fredkin referred to in his presentations.

He also comments on Dr. Bruce Lipton's work "The Biology of Belief."

In one of his most recent interviews with scientist Dean Radin, Dean is quoted as saying (in reference to his experiments with the paranormal) , "Proof is about alcohol, I don't need proof, I have evidence" Evidence (your own subjective evidence) is what Tom values as well.
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