Sofia Smallstorm | From Chemtrails to Pseudo Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology


From Chemtrails to Pseudo Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology

The results of testing environmental samples suggest that the aerosols program is much more complex than mere weather control, which itself may become an accepted "necessity" as so-called Climate Change increasingly affects the world. Today's storms, earthquakes and tsunamis are more than likely engineered, driving us into deeper fear of natural forces and the belief that science must do something to intervene. We're told the Earth is retaliating against mankind's reckless treatment of it. But, this "retaliation" may in fact be man-made.

As nature shows the "signs" of our alleged destruction (dying trees, fish, birds), our new technologies are being called into action. Enter the giant new field of Synthetic Biology. Its components are invisible, but its power and potential are already in view. Engineered elements of pseudo-biology will work together to repair life as we know it, replacing that which is failing with that which will be stronger and more resilient. "Nature" will be rescued and full of technological marvels. Mankind will be morphed from mere Homo sapien to the high-performance Homo evolutis. We will have entered the Age of the Hybrid -- an entirely new world order. And what will become of human "beings"?
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