Police State Canada: From the McDonald Commission to the G20, November 30, 2011

Source: corbettreport.com, globalresearch.tv

Documents released under the Access to Information Act in Canada earlier this month reveal what Canadian activists have long known: that a massive RCMP-led intelligence dragnet worked for 18 months to infiltrate, surveil, and ultimately arrest activists across the country for their participation in Vancouver Olympic and Toronto G20 activism.

The operation involved the formation of a Joint Intelligence Group that the RCMP itself said in an internal document was “likely the largest [such group] ever assembled in Canada.” And after 18 months of operation, this dragnet–part of the one billion dollars that the Canadian taxpayer was forced to pay out for security operations around the G8 and G20 meetings in Toronto last year–resulted in the arrest of just 17 people, with six of the accused pleading guilty to charges of counseling mischief. 11 of the 17 have had their charges dropped altogether. Read more here
~James Corbett
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