The Collectors with Corina Saebels | Offplanet Radio, November 6, 2011


November 6, 2011–Canadian abductee/contactee, Corina Saebels talks about her own life-long experiences as a subject of ET abduction, testing and genetic experiments; and the experiences of her family, children, and those around her who witnessed and experienced the very same visitations. We also outline the presence of black ops military and scientists inside underground bases, black military helicopters and the medical, psychological and spiritualafter-effects on her life from the harvesting of fetuses; her shocking glimpse at trans-species experimentation and her insights about what "they" have planned for humanity!

Corina speaks with great humility, and continues to press the establishment for answers to her decades long encounters with entities---both off worlders, and the shadow military-government-industrial complex. While her suffering is not hidden, her spirit remains intact, and her bravery unvaunted by those who would silence her.

In the show Corina discusses a great deal of physical evidence she has gathered over the years. In her book, "The Collectors", are several pages of color photos which documenther accounts. As her experiences continue, she continues to compile more proof. ~Randy Maugans, OffPlanet Radio

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